18 September, 2008

Strategies for Sustainable Development Interventions

Development is not a commodity which can be supplied to the community which is in need of the community. It is an abstract item which occupies the space in mind. The interventions are needed to fill this space rather than supply the infrastructure to fill the physical space. What public sector development administrators do for development? They are given money by government exchequer for development of the community, they procure the hardware what they think will develop the target group & pour the same to fill the physical space. To identify the contents for filling the mind space requires systematic thinking, data gathering & analysis. Then only the mind space can be filled properly. But public sector development manager does not have time for that. He is always under pressure to spend the development fund with in 2-3 months only where as the same was planned for the full year. Most of the time the gap between the mind space & physical space of the members of the community remains wider resulting into under utilization or un-utilization of development resources provided to the target group. There is a need to design appropriate communication strategy to fill the mind space first. There after the infrastructure & other resources be supplied to the target group.

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